Welcome to Dr. Frieda's website. She is a respected Research Psychologist and Media Analyst called on for her great insight into social and familial issues. Her vast knowledge on subjects such as: older mothers, people with regrets, pregnancy before marriage, love matches, depression, plastic surgery issues, various marital disappointments such as financial, control, anger management, or differences in interests and likes or dislikes they didn't expect, and of course, age demographic choices. There are so many fascinating topics that she touches upon and it's delivered with energy, wit, and excitement!
Don't miss out on what Dr. Frieda says next!
"Do you really want to look back on your life and see how wonderful it could have been had you not been afraid to live in it?"
Caroline Myss
About Dr. Frieda Birnbaum
Dr. Frieda Birnbaum has a PhD. in psychology and a thriving psychotherapy practice in Saddle River New Jersey. She is an expert on the empowerment of women at any age, women’s issues, depression and attaining happiness at any age. She is an award-winning author of two books and appears daily on various talk shows around the country. She is also a wife and mother of 5 children. As busy as she is, she travels around the country to appear on tv network programs as a renowned Media Analyst to share her knowledge and opinions on current events, political happenings and to give advice on family dynamics and various psychological perspective. She is most notably known as the oldest woman in America to give birth to twins at the age of 60. Her story was featured on 20/20 with Barbara Walters and numerous newspapers and magazines. But her message wasn't quite heard by those outlets as she had hoped. In fact, they treated her negatively due to her age.
"Many people call me selfish. To me, selfish is to not bring a child into the world into a loving home where they are wanted. Selfish is having a child when you do not have the means or the intent to love or take care of it. To me that is selfish. My age does not make me selfish. My children are loved and adored. Selfish because I love my children confuses me. They will never want for anything; materially or emotionally. So what does my age have to do with it?"
In her latest book a memoir "Life Begins at 60 - A New View on Motherhood, Marriage, and Reinventing Ourselves" Dr. Frieda blasts the age stereotypes and depicts a story of a woman who has shattered the glass ceiling not only in her professional life but more importantly in her personal life. "Women are boxed into stereotypical roles to this day. Did anyone attack Donald Trump for fathering a child at 60? Who is to say a woman of 60 is not physically or mentally able to have a child? If the science is there, and the woman has the maternal desire and the financial and emotional means, why shouldn't she be able to bring forth new life and love to her family?" The book goes into details about her life and why she made the choices she made. However, she has more to tell.
"Ageism needs to be redefined. Middle age? That sounds like it's completely down hill! NO, I call it 'Peak age.' 'Grandma' is now someone who travels and goes on trips, not sitting home in a rocking chair waiting for her kids to call. 'Retirement' is now a second career, not sitting in a home waiting for visitors. You are who you want to be and you can fulfill your passions. Life is a dress rehearsal. We must look at ourselves and say 'you are not getting older, I’m in a position to do what I want and who cares what anyone says because they were wrong about age definitions all along."
In between her numerous television and radio appearances, she is currently hard at work on a new book "Shattering The Mold" to be published sometime in 2018. Here she plans to give detailed empowerment advice and to show the world how girls and women can step out of that box, and break the mold society has crafted for them at any age. "I'm now in my 70s, who is to say I can't continue to succeed? I plan on writing two more books, hosting a TV show about powerful women, and continuing to be a serious influence and role model for women of age. We have so much more to give, we just have to believe in ourselves. Heck, I plan on going till I can't anymore! You will see more of me through my 90s!"

Doctor Frieda wants to here from you! From her daily Podcast, to her blog, and her many TV and radio appearances, she is always looking for new and intriguing topics to discuss.
For media requests or appearances please contact her at the information below:
Saddle River Center for Psychotherapy